☯ ISSTH Chapter 501 ☯
At long last we have reached the time to post some art from the official ISSTH game that depicts specific characters! I haven't played the game TOO extensively, but this appears to be unique art specifically meant to depict certain characters (no guarantees). Check it out after the jump!
Chapter 501 Translator: Deathblade Contributors: Madam Deathblade, anonpuffs Proofreaders: Lingson Meme Archives: joeljbright Sponsor: James Timmermans
Many thanks to Fellow Daoist James Timmermans for bringing yet another sponsored chapter of the week, the fourth!...
Please keep in mind, I'm fairly confident that virtually no art direction was given on any of this, with the exception of Fatty. As for as how faithful this art is to how the characters are supposed to look.... seems not very. In any case, more fuel for the imagination! Enjoy:
This is Meng Hao. Yeah.... Of all the artistic depictions I've seen of Meng Hao, I'm pretty sure this is my least favorite.
(Do I really need to explain who this is?)
Xu Qing
Chen Fan
Chu Yuyan
Han Bei (not a huge fan of this one. It almost looks like she only has one breast...)