☯ ISSTH Chapter 499 ☯
This almost fell under a Yin Yang China post, but I decided not to. I saw some advertisements in some elevators recently that left me... puzzled? amused? confused? Check them out after the jump...
Chapter 499 Translator: Deathblade Contributors: Madam Deathblade, anonpuffs Proofreader: Lingson, MeeBoo Memes: MemeBoo Meme Archives: joeljbright Sponsor: James Timmermans
Many thanks to Fellow Daoist James Timmermans for bringing the second sponsored chapter of the week!... . . .
Okay so these are ads for wedding photography companies. The first one...
Okay, cool outfits, but... what the heck is the girl doing? She appears to be ... spreading her legs? Like... What?! I don't get what it's supposed to mean. And the guy... Like... okay I know that in wuxia and xianxia an abacus can be a weapon. But, what exactly is this dude supposed to be doing or saying? My math skills rock! Or what?
Next picture...
Okay it seems okay, but I have this nagging feeling that it's somewhat sexist. Either that or a typo....