☯ ISSTH Chapter 392 ☯

It's that time again, ISSTH outtakes after the jump!

Chapter 392: The Great War of the Crow Divinity Translator: Deathblade Contributors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers, anonpuffs Proofreaders: Lingson, Yascob and MeeBoo Memes: MemeBoo Meme Archives: joeljbright

This is the first guaranteed chapter of the week!... . . . These are all real typos, most of which were caught before the release (but not all) . . .

With that, the parrot flapped its wings, flying up. > With that, the feather flapped its wings, flying up. (makes me think of the fan Meng Hao used for a while)

Meng Hao took a deep breath as he bowed deeply to Hanxue Bao. His entire purpose for coming to this place was now complete. > Meng Hao took a deep breath as he bowed deeply to Hanxue Bao. His entire purpose for coming to this place was not complete. (uh, slight difference there....)

Meng Hao’s eyes were bloodshot as he continued to feed one leaf after another to the Frigid Snow Larva > Meng Hao’s eyes were bloodshot as he continued to feed one leaf after mother to the Frigid Snow Larva (fed his own mother to it????)

However, the more than two hundred Cultivators couldn’t help but gasp. > However, the more than two hundred Cultvitaors couldn’t help but gasp. (try saying that 5 times fast)

However, if an early Nascent Soul stage Cultivator wanted to kill me, it wouldn’t be an easy task. > However, if an early Nascent Soul stage Cultivator wanted to kill me, it would be an easy task. (again, another slight difference)

“I choose the Crow Soldier Tribe,” said Wang. > “I choose the Crow Solider Tribe,” said Wang. (Solid, mah brother, solid)

As soon as the words left his mouth, sneers appeared in the eyes of the other. > As soon as the words left his moth, sneers appeared in the eyes of the other. (moths have mouths?)

In its heart, the entire world is nothing more than a blink during one of the countless times that it awakens and opens its eyes. > In its heart, the entire world is nothing more than a bink during one of the countless times that it awakens and opens its eyes. (Jar-jar would roll in his grave if he knew)
