☯ ISSTH Chapter 1095 ☯
I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago when some countries switched to daylight savings time, China did not. Usually I'm an even 12 hours off from EST, but now I'm 13 hours off. Honestly, daylight savings time has become more of a nuisance than ever since moving to China. The worst was a few weeks ago when I woke up at 5:30 a.m. my time to play Ogre Gate, only to end up sitting around for an hour waiting for everyone else to come online. With Baby Deathblade controlling much of my sleep time, that one lost hour of sleep was a killer.
Chapter 1095. Translator: Deathblade. Translation Checker: anonpuffs. Chinese Grammar Consultant: Madam Deathblade. Proofreader: GNE and Courtrecords. Memes: Shu. Meme Archives: JerryDaBaws. Master of Cuteness: Baby Deathblade.
This is the 14th chapter of the week.