ATG Chapter 478 ✿

I have five things to mention so don't go reading the chapter yet! I'll make it a list or else I'll ramble off into nowhere.

1) Wow, I went away for a bit and when I came back, sponsored queue got filled 5 minutes after making that post. You guys are awesome! 2) Dnton went a bit Shakespearean in this chapter, but I hope you guys appreciate his poetic sense! 3) Regarding chapter 477, I saw a few comments about how Yun Che had mistakenly heard the voice say "find him". In the Chinese language, the it/she/he pronouns all sound the same. The voice is saying her, but Yun Che thought that he had to find a "him". This is not incorrect, and I put a note on the bottom of 477 just in case future readers noticed this as well. No, this will not be changed to it! 4) Special thanks to Soutine for having fabulous eyeballs! 5) Our sponsored button has imploded with $10/12/15s that I am still currently making a list for. Just in case I missed anyone due to the influx of 25+ donations, do make sure to keep an eye out and see if you're mentioned on our sponsored list of names on each sponsored release BEFORE you see me say that the queue is cleared! I would feel terribly sorry if I missed a name and shall strive to double check! Queue isn't cleared yet!

Chapter 478 is brought to you by Dnton and alyschu.

This chapter was sponsored by Alex L, Leng E, Erik T, Jose G, and Michael M. As always, thanks guys! You're the best!

secret ninja edit: More than 100 people donated!!!
