Chapter 545: Great Gan Empire (Teaser)

Chapter 545: Great Gan Empire

Being the symbolic city within the north-western region, this Ancient Hall was quite a lively one. Moreover, ever since the appearance of the Ancient Treasure Trove, the human traffic in this place had reached a pretty terrifying level. Even after many months, this place was still considered to be flourishing.

The Ancient Treasure Trove was opened for quite a while. Hence, quite a number of people continuously entered during this later period of time. Of course, there were also some people, who had obtained some treasures, continuously exiting it with wild joy. Quite a number of people felt provoked upon seeing the kind of envious rewards obtained. Furthermore, with the Hundred Empire War looming closer and closer, many experts were anxious to increase their strength. Hence, the number of people who entered the Ancient Treasure Trove increased with the flow of time.

Similarly, the number of experts that were attracted to this Ancient Hall also crazily increased. Various high ranked empires swarmed over to this place, packing it to the extent that even water would have difficulty seeping out.

Disputes would naturally...

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