Chapter 516: Fallout (Teaser)

Chapter 516: Fallout

The interior of the main hall was completely silent. Everyone’s eyes contained a shocked expression that could not be concealed. They were truly unable to believe that the palm, which contained nearly the full strength of Mo Sha, would actually be forcefully shattered by Lin Dong’s simple and ordinary punch!

“What a frightening Fist Aura.”

Of course, those experts like Song Duan possessed an extreme solemness within their eyes. They were naturally able to sense the shocking Fist Aura that was being emitted from this single punch of Lin Dong. The intensity was as if it intended to shatter this entire place!

They were really unable to imagine just how was it possible for Lin Dong to possess such a frightening Fist Aura!

All of them clearly understood that an extremely rare yet powerful thing like a Fist Aura was not something that someone at their level could come into contact with. Only those true experts could brew such a frightening conception.

At that level,...

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