Chapter 415 Lesser Nirvana Golden Body (Teaser)

Chapter 415 Lesser Nirvana Golden Body

“Are you going to Yang City?”

Upon hearing Lin Dong’s words, Mo Ling and the rest were stunned. Lin Dong should be hiding for his life after he had killed the members of the Saint Light Empire. Now, instead of hiding, he wanted to take the initiative to go to Yang City. Isn’t he courting his own death?

“Yeah,” Lin Dong nodded his head. Initially, he planned to observe the situation silently. However, with the report on the “Mysterious Ancient Key”, Lin Dong’s thoughts started to run wild. In the ancient treasure trove, not only would there be “Samsara Pills”, but there would also be a huge amount of Nirvana pills and other artifacts. If he could obtain these treasures, he might be qualified to break through to Nirvana stage.

As for Jin Mu, even though he was somewhat troublesome, Lin Dong did not have much worries about him. If the former really pissed him off badly, he would summon the Blood Soul Puppet to kill him. With the help of the Blood Soul Puppet, even a half-step-to Nirvana stage elite could not threaten Lin Dong

“All of you should know that we only...

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