Chapter 353 The Battle with Lin Langtian! (Teaser)

Chapter 353 The Battle with Lin Langtian!

Get lost!

Arrogance and dominance had been portrayed perfectly by this phrase.

There were faint signs of twitching on several people’s faces in the huge battle arena, while the Lin Clan members seemed to show indications of falling apart. This was the first time in many years they had ever seen someone speak to Lin Langtian in such a manner!

It was as if the revered war god in their hearts was not worthy of any respect in Lin Dong’s eyes. Such contrast brought about a rather exciting look on their faces.

“Such an ill-mannered thing!” Seated in the golden seating booth, the corners of the grey hair old man’s mouth twitched before he finally spat out in a dark voice. For Lin Langtian to be the next clan leader, he must possess an extremely high prestige. The various actions of Lin Dong was hurting Lin Langtian’s reputation, and this was something he could not stand.

“He was just being sharp-tongued. However, he will soon understand that there is only one exceptional genius in the Lin Clan, Lin Langtian....

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