Chapter 312 Breaking the Formation (Teaser)

Chapter 312 Breaking the Formation


Blood light flashed through the sky at an indescribable speed. Lin Dong could only see a ray of blood light sweeping across the horizon, and in the next instant, the blood light had already reached the spot above the black eye elder phantasm.


Teng Sha’s furious roar resounded across the skies, faintly seeming as if he was a gambler that had gone crazy. To break the seal, he had practically employed all his means. If he was still unable to break it, the operation this time would undoubtedly end in failure.

That kind of outcome was clearly not what Teng Sha was happy to see!

Blood light descended as the black eye elder phantasm lifted his head. There were no movement at all within its black eyes which were as calm as a pool of stagnant water. Blood light reflected in those black eyes, faintly giving the black eye elder an ice-cold look.

“Without receiving approval, you have no destiny with the symbol!”

An empty and ancient voice suddenly slowly sounded out from the black eye elder phantasm’s mouth. Under countless gazes,...

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