Chapter 219: Great Wastelands Ancient Tablet (Teaser)

Chapter 219: Great Wastelands Ancient Tablet

Lin Dong was seated in the most luxurious cart in the group. With regards to the awestruck expressions of the Eagle Martial Dojo members, Lin Dong felt slightly helpless. Ever since he displayed his prowess last night, the gazes of these guys were no longer normal.

“Big brother, you were incredible last night.” To one side, little Yinyin’s large eyes were staring respectfully at Lin Dong. It seemed as if stars were twinkling in her eyes.

“You have repeated this dozens of times already!” Lin Dong’s face twitched as he forced smile at little Yinyin. Anyone who had heard the same words repeated so many times, would probably wear the same expression.

“Yinyin, don’t disturb big brother’s rest.” A slim figure slowly walked over, as her lily-white hands tapped little Yinyin’s head. Contained in her voice was a trace of playful anger.

Lin Dong lifted his head. Right now, due to last night’s intensive battle, Jiang Xue’s long hair was dishevelled and there were some traces of blood on some parts of her exposed snow-white skin. Nonetheless, she did not seem hideous, rather, she gave off a unique charm. Lin Dong could tell that this lady truly cared about this dojo. Therefore, after he assisted them last night, the...

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