Chapter 177: Nirvana Heart (Teaser)

Chapter 177: Nirvana Heart

From a short distance away, Lin Dong gazed at the mysterious woman, whose bare lily-white feet stepped on the green lotus. He had finally come to realize her breathtaking beauty. Her clear eyes were like a calm and quiet pool, while her light colored dress lined itself neatly against her almost perfect figure.

This kind of woman was akin to a goddess who had fallen from the heavens into this mundane world, She possessed a stunning beauty, the kind of beauty that would shock one’s heart and move one’s soul, so beautiful that it was unreal, but, at the same time, it also caused one to feel a sense of being unattainable.

One that should be viewed from afar and never to be touched, like the green lotus below her feet.

As Lin Dong’s gaze swept over this mysterious woman, the awe in his eyes lasted for quite a while before it finally faded.

“Little marten, if we join hands, can be beat her?”

“Difficult, this woman looks rather young, but her strength is especially terrifying. It likely does not lose out in the slightest to Lin Langtian. Even if we join hands, we would more likely lose than win.” The small marten’s solemn voice quietly sounded out in Lin Dong’s...

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