Chapter 154: Blood Vermillion Devil Fruit (Teaser)

Chapter 154: Blood Vermillion Devil Fruit

After experiencing that hostile situation which had almost broken out into an all out war, the entire Yan City seemed much quieter than before. Lin Dong had likewise become much more relaxed. Now, he finally no longer needed to busy himself with being a ‘firefighter’.

Of course, though his days more leisurely, most of Lin Dong’s time was spent on cultivation. Due to the fact that he had a breakthrough in Mental Energy to the third seal Symbol Master stage not long ago, it would be very difficult to greatly increase it again for a short period of time. Thus, Lin Dong spent most of his time on Yuan Power cultivation.

While he ceaselessly trained, his Yuan Power progress was rather significant. Although he had yet to break through to the advanced Yuan Dan stage, Lin Dong could sense that he was already gradually reaching the peak of the initial Yuan Dan stage.

To be capable of achieving this in two months was already rather good. Of course, during these two months, the last Yin Yang Pearl in Lin Dong’s hands had been completely consumed by him. This item could truly be considered an outstanding Yuan Power cultivation aid, unfortunately, it was too rare. Lin Dong had...

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