Chapter 127 (Teaser)

Zich opened his eyes. The bonfire that had watched them all night was letting out white smoke, barely managing to hold on. Zich rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms out.

“Have you woken up?”

Zich heard a low voice. It was a low, strong voice that sounded like it would belong to a gigantic body, but there was a clear sense of gentleness mixed in it.

“Yes, sir,” Zich replied and stared at the owner of the voice. 

A huge man sat on a large log and looked over the bonfire. “Since you are up, can you wake the others up?”

“Sir, you can wake them up by yourself.”

The huge figure flinched. “That is a bit…”

“Are you still having a hard time dealing with them? They are our team members. There’s no need to feel uncomfortable around them.”

“Yes, that’s right.” Even though he said this, the huge man merely made a bitter smile and didn’t move. Zich shook his head. Even though the huge man had the face and body of a gangster boss, he had a difficult time dealing with his teammates. But this didn’t mean that the man lacked skill. On the other hand, the huge man was able to cut down small, medium-sized, large, and extremely large monsters with one swing of his ax.

‘Should I prepare a special event or something to make them closer?’

While thinking of a plan to make his team members closer, Zich shook the woman...

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