Chapter 79: Ghost Bird and Profound Nether Beast (Teaser)

Chapter 79: Ghost Bird and Profound Nether Beast

When he walked out of Icestone City and looked into the distance, his expression suddenly turned serious.

There wasn’t a living person to be seen in the usually crowded main street. In fact, when he looked afar, he could see a few skeletal remains.

Some of the bones were somewhat larger and obviously a spirit beast’s. A few of them were distinctively human as well.

The sun was hidden, both sky and earth covered by thick layers of cloud. The land covered in gray and scattered bones depicted a picture of desolation and loneliness.

He could still remember the first time he had arrived at Icestone City. The city gates near the main street were pretty crowded, and there would be numerous martial practitioners and normal men from vassal forces, such as the Ling Family, who would visit Icestone City. Everyday there would be massive traffic at the city gates, and sometimes the sheer number of people entering and exiting the gates could cause a traffic jam.

However, the city gate was completely deserted right now, and not a single soul could be seen on the main street.


That old servant, who was called Liang Zhong, suddenly and loudly whistled after he exited the city.

The whistling sound resounded along with the blowing wind into the great distance; its reverberation still echoing.

“Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh!” The flapping...

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