Chapter 78: Inspector (Teaser)

Chapter 78: Inspector

Qin Lie was full of expectation as he hurried to Han Qingrui’s side, a sliver of hope appearing between his brows.

“Qin Lie, you brat, you have finally returned!” exclaimed Han Qingrui who was standing at the door. He seemingly had been waiting specifically for Qin Lie considering that soon as he saw Qin Lie, he immediately became excited and began to shout loudly.

“Uncle Han, is it that there is news of my grandpa?”


“Then is there mail for me?”


“Then why were you anxiously looking for me?” asked Qin Lie, extremely crestfallen.

“Come in first before we talk,” said Han Qingrui with a respectful expression. Only after Qin Lie entered did he whisper, “The Pavilion Master is also here. When you speak, you must be careful.”

“Pavilion Master?” asked Qin Lie, his expression slightly changing. “What happened?”

“There is someone who wanted to meet you. This person… is not someone who Nebula Pavilion can slight, and thus, the Pavilion Master personally accompanied them.” After Han Qingrui entered the house, he also seemed to have become cautious as he quietly whispered an explanation while he brought Qin Lie to the inner room.

Inside the room, a robust, imposing looking man, upon seeing Qin Lie walking over, smiled as he said, “You must be Qin Lie? I have heard Tu Ze talking about you a lot. Mn, I am Tu Mo.”

“Well met, Pavilion Master,” replied Qin Lie as he bowed his body in salute.

“You do not need to regard me as a stranger. Come meet our guest...

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