Chapter 176: Beauties Entering the City (Teaser)

Chapter 176: Beauties Entering the City

“This is Armament City.”

Lu Li stood at the entrance to the city and looked at the closed gates. Her pretty eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

Ling Yushi wore a long, blue skirt. A light purple ribbon was tied around her thin waist, and her left arm was holding an exquisite beastskin handbag. Her beautiful face looked worn out, and she was looking upwards at the Armament Sect martial practitioners standing on top of the city walls.

Ling Xuanxuan had worn a fiery red leather skirt. The skirt covered only up to her thighs, and her two snow-white legs were shining with an attractive luster.

One of the sisters was simple and elegant, the other hot and lovely. They had attracted the attention of many Armament Sect martial practitioners on top of the city wall after they had appeared at the entrance.

“I am Dark Fiend Valley’s Lu Li. Please open the city gates.” Below, Lu Li’s voice coldly sounded out.

If this was in the past, then none of Armament City’s gates would be closed. All martial practitioners who came would be free to enter.

But since Armament Sect had come into conflict with Dark Shadow Tower and fought against each other frequently outside the city...

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