Chapter 154: Killing Intent (Teaser)

Chapter 154: Killing Intent

“Look through the requests first.”

Inside the cave, Tang Siqi passed over the artifact forging list Tan Dongling had given her to Qin Lie. Then, she began to casually walk inside the cave.

Her bright eyes roamed everywhere as she observed the furnace in the cave and the spirit materials on top of the cupboards, trying to determine if Qin Lie had been forging recently.

After a while, she appeared to be disappointed. Judging from the furnace and the surrounding materials, Qin Lie probably hadn’t started for real yet.

“Why did you want me to look at this?” Qin Lie did not understand.

“I want you to help me forge these together. Relax, I’ll pass a portion of the contribution points to you.” Tang Siqi was no longer looking about as she turned around and stared at Qin Lie with glittery eyes, saying, “Since you are an artificer as well, you should have no problem forging these spirit artifacts now, right?”

Tan Dongling’s request was to make sure that all six spirit artifacts were controlled at Profound Grade One. She wanted to clear up exactly what Qin Lie’s artificer rank was through the spirit artifacts’ grade requirements.

—This was a problem that had plagued her for a very long time.

“I probably can’t help you.”...

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