Chapter 141: Concept (Teaser)

Chapter 141: Concept

“Women sure like spouting nonsense to themselves,” Qin Lie quietly thought in his heart.

He still could hear Tang Siqi’s mutterings after withdrawing his soul consciousness into the Soul Suppressing Orb.

Hearing her soliloquy, Qin Lie wasn’t sure if he should be crying or laughing. He didn’t know what to say about this.

Back at Ling Town, when Ling Yushi had assumed that he was stupid and thus did not understand what she said, muttering to herself and recounting her inner troubles before him was her most favorite activity.

Now that Tang Siqi thought that he had lost his consciousness, she had actually begun to mutter to herself as well.

“Do all women like to do this?” Qin Lie was speechless.

When he heard that Tang Siqi had also assumed that the reason he came to Armament Sect was for her, that everything he had done was to attract her attention, that he was chasing her using some unique methods… Qin Lie grew more and more dumbstruck.

“I cannot possibly accept you.” Tang Siqi shook her head. Her bright eyes were focused onto his body. “Sect Master and Elder Mo Hai have placed high expectations on me, hoping that I can become Armament Sect’s future sect master and take over Armament Sect in...

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