Chapter 137: Special Gift! (Teaser)

Chapter 137: Special Gift!

Two hours later, three Armament Sect outer sect disciples came to Qin Lie’s stone tower to weigh the bone dust.

Five days ago, it had been this trio that had delivered two large boxes of bone.

“Thirty-seven and a half kilograms, two contribution points per kilogram. Qin Bing, you have received seventy-five contribution points.” The person named Kan Yang coldly looked at Qin Lie. He glanced at Qin Lie’s arm and muttered in a small voice, “He wasn’t wounded…”

The other two people carried out the wooden buckets filled with bone powder. They had to deliver the power to Tang Siqi so they were standing outside at this time.

Qin Lie heard what Kan Yang muttered. His expression turned icy. “When you delivered the bones, you should have warned me about their origins  and told me there was phosphorus poison in there. Also, you should have given me the specialized gloves!”

“What gloves?” asked Kan Yang in feigned ignorance.

“What is he talking about?” The two people outside chimed in agreement, “I don’t know what he means.”

Qin Lie knew that a portion of the outer sect disciples thought of him as an eyesore and would act against him if they had the chance. From the expressions of the trio, he knew that the...

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