Chapter 125: Frost Concept (Teaser)

Chapter 125: Frost Concept

The dark cold energy spread and coiled around his body like ice snakes, and the surface of Qin Lie’s body was rapidly frozen.

“Crack crack!”

Strange sounds came from inside his body as thick ice formed and covered him.

Seconds later, he became sealed in ice. He was trapped inside and couldn’t even move a finger.

The only thing that remained was his soul that could still feel the bone-chilling cold. His body gradually became numb and had almost lost all sensation. He could not detect his surroundings any longer.

“Frost concept…”

Inside the ice, Qin Lie’s soul floated as his thoughts almost froze to a stop.

Cold energy gradually permeated his very being and was about to corrode his mind, freezing even his soul!

At this time, the Icestone Snow Wolf King that had turned into a wolfdog had a puzzled look in his eyes as though he was asking if this would work.

Li Mu smiled. “I don’t know if this will work either. One handprint to seal the sky and earth, the person that sealed these hundreds of beasts deliberately left behind this frost concept. Maybe they intended for others to make a breakthrough and feel the profoundness of their spirit...

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