Chapter 322: Now Who’s Boss? (Teaser)

Chapter 322: Now Who’s Boss?

No matter how incisive one’s words were, they weren’t as convincing as a pair of iron fists.

No threats were as direct as directly threatening one’s life.

That senior brother Cheng, who’d been overweeningly arrogant just moments before, was completely frightened out of his senses. He felt that his spirit ocean would collapse at any time and was truly scared out of his mind.

When it dawned on him that this pressure came from the ordinary disciple in front of him, there was no doubt that he had been shocked senseless and almost peed his pants.

His face was ashen as he stammered, “Your… your word is law.”

“Louder, I can’t hear you!” Jiang Chen purposefully raised his voice.

Senior brother Cheng almost wanted to cry but had to raise his voice, “Your… your word is law. From today onwards, your word is law in this yard!”

“Who’s going to live in the northern room?” Jiang Chen asked again.

“I’ll live in it.” Senior brother Cheng was completely humiliated, but he didn’t dare not answer.

“Who’s inferior? Who’s the trash? Who’s a dog?” Jiang Chen continued.

Senior brother Cheng completely broke down as he sobbed, “Me, it’s...

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