Chapter 252: The Purple Sun Sect is Involved? (Teaser)

Chapter 252: The Purple Sun Sect is Involved?

“Ole King, follow Xiao Yu.” Jiang Chen gave the order.

Although they were moving beneath the earth, this happened to be one of the Rat King’s strengths, so they easily followed Xiao Yu’s trail.

“Yu’er, hurry and come greet your senior brothers.” Liu Chengfeng’s voice sounded from the ground.

Xiao Yu hastened to walk forwards, “Junior brother Xiao Yu greets his senior brothers.”

“Mm, you’re Xiao Yu? Not bad!” A low voice responded.

Liu Chengfeng obviously held high esteem for the owner of this voice, “Yu’er, this is Zhou Yi, senior brother Zhou and one of Elder Iron’s personal disciples. He’s not yet thirty and already of the earth spirit realm. His future is boundless! You must take heed of your senior brother’s words in the future.”

When Xiao Yu heard that the other person was younger than him but already in the earth spirit realm, shock billowed his heart as he said respectfully, “This junior brother is beyond amazed by senior brother Zhou’s plentiful genius. I’ve been training in the mundane world all this time and thought that I was someone. I had been self satisfied when those in the outside world gave me the title of genius. It seems...

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