Chapter 219: Qiao Baishi and His Conflict with His Future Mother-In-Law (Teaser)

Chapter 219: Qiao Baishi and His Conflict with His Future Mother-In-Law

Three days later, a matter so significant occurred that it rocked the entire Skylaurel Kingdom.

Fourth prince Ye Rong was officially vested as the Crown Prince, becoming the heir to the Skylaurel kingdom.

All the various struggles and interplay regarding the position of Crown Prince became history from then on. Although the clan of Ye Dai’s mother was strong, it was a strength built on the premise of having an heir to the kingdom.

Now that Ye Dai had perished in the maze realm, that so-called greatness had all become but mere smoke.

In order to ensure that Ye Rong’s position as Crown Prince would be stable, the royal family began to strip away the power from the clan of Ye Dai’s mother. They, and even some of the powers behind second prince Ye Qiao, slowly faded out of the capital.

This was to create momentum for the Crown Prince and remove the obstacles in front of his feet, paving the way for him!

Since the Crown Prince had been decided, there was no need for any opposing powers. Those tumors naturally had to be cleared away.

Jiang Chen felt sincerely happy for Ye Rong. Just like Ye Rong had said, he and Ye Rong...

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