Chapter 116: The Mysterious Grandfather and Granddaughter Duo (Teaser)

Chapter 116: The Mysterious Grandfather and Granddaughter Duo

Even Second Hallmaster Yue Qun was shocked senseless with this information.

“Qiao Baishi has such a solid relationship with Jiang Chen?”

Song Tianxing also hadn’t expected this twist. He had trained Qiao Baishi from the start and knew of Qiao Baishi’s feelings for the Hall.

That day when all of the senior executives were convening, almost everyone had wanted to hand over Qiao Baishi to the Long family. This had truly and deeply wounded Qiao Baishi’s feelings and made him feel despair.

Except, Song Tianxing hadn’t reckoned that Qiao Baishi would’ve thrown himself to the mercy of Jiang Chen, the son of a duke.

Elder Blue however, added fuel to the flames and mocked, “This was well within expectations. Qiao Baishi has long since been harboring thoughts of helping outsiders. I’m not surprised at all that he flocked to Jiang Chen’s banner. I just wonder how many secrets of the Hall did he take with him?”

Song Tianxing was thoroughly enraged when he heard these words. “Elder Blue, I command you to shut up! Do you have the bearing of an elder at all? Must you be so diametrically opposed to someone who’s already left? If you have the spare time to jeer at someone who’s already...

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