Chapter 154 - The Great Battle Dragon Formation (Teaser)

Chapter 154 - The Great Battle Dragon Formation

As a result, their speed increased.

As Wang Lin flew, he adjusted his Ji Realm. After all these uses, it was damaged, so it sat inside his consciousness and slowly repaired itself.

At noon of the second day, the Fighting Evil Sect appeared in sight. Wang Lin’s Ji Realm had recovered at this point. Looking at the mountain, the top of the mountain had been changed to the shape of a dragon. It looked like there was a dragon sitting on top of the mountain. On top of the dragon’s head stood a white-haired old man. His face was dark and his gaze was cold as he stared at Wang Lin.

In the air floated ten Core Formation cultivators. Together, they formed a sword formation. When they saw Wang Lin, they all revealed complex expressions. They were filled with fear and shock. The ten formed a circle with ten flying swords interlaced in the middle. The swords clattered as they hit each other, causing sparks to fly out.

The person above the dragon’s head waved his hand. The eyes of the dragon lit...

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