Chapter 132 - Upheaval in Hou Fen (1) (Teaser)

Chapter 132 - Upheaval in Hou Fen (1)

Sun Youcai’s body trembled as he escaped underground. The fear was making him feel like he couldn’t even breath. Just at this moment, he felt the ground before him warm up and he secretly complained. This earth escape move was an amazing technique anywhere else, but here in Hou Fen, where there were many volcanoes, there were some serious restrictions.

If he accidently tunneled into lava, then he could only blame himself.

Normally, when Sun Youcai runs, he identifies the direction and immediately changes direction when he feels heat. But now, he believed that he was being chased by a Soul Formation expert. He didn’t pay attention and now it was too late. All he could do was use all his might to raise his body up.

With a loud bang, his body bursted out from underground into a cave inside a volcano. A wave of heat immediately hit him, causing his hair and eyebrows to immediately curl.

He let out a scream as he quickly threw out his flying sword and moved...

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