Chapter 131 - Is He a Fat Sheep? (Teaser)

Chapter 131 - Is He a Fat Sheep?

Sun Youcai let out a laugh as he reached out to grab Wang Lin’s shoulder and said, “Let’s not talk about her anymore. Brother Ma, there is a transfer array to enter the Ravine just ahead.

Wang Lin’s shoulder moved to dodge the hand. He said, “That is good. Let’s quickly go so we can enter the valley sooner.” With that, he flew forward.

Sun Youcai’s hand hit empty air, but his expression didn’t change as he asked, “Brother Ma, did you come out by yourself this time?” He casually followed Wang Lin.

Wang Lin sneered, but his expression didn’t show any abnormality as he answered, “That’s right, I’m the only one that came this time.”

Sun Youcai let out a laugh and whispered, “I guess brother Ma secretly left the sect and came to the Ravine to get some technique jades. I heard that in three months, it will be the War God’s Shrine’s five palace competition. At that time, brother Ma can use them to become famous.”

Wang Lin faintly smiled, but didn’t say a word.

Seeing Wang Lin’s reaction, Sun Youcai sneered, “Little brat, it doesn’t matter if what you say...

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