Chapter 117 - Death of Wang Lin (Teaser)

Chapter 117 -

The 30,000 souls went in and out of the dragon as if they were having a party. Teng Huayuan was stunned as the dragon passed through the souls and charged toward him.

Teng Huayuan’s expression became very unsettled; however, he didn’t have any time to think and quickly backed up. He threw out several defensive magic treasures to stop the dragon, but no matter what the magic treasures did, they couldn’t stop the dragon. The dragon passed through them as if they weren’t there, let out a roar, and swallowed Teng Huayuan.

Lin Yi’s expression was strange. He looked at the giant, who was enjoying the show, and found that the giant’s expression was also strange. The two looked at each other and then the giant laughed and looked at the dragon with a playful expression.

Teng Huayuan only felt a gentle wind as the dragon devoured him. The dragon looked very fierce, but the moment it touched him, the dragon disappeared without a trace.

It had been a long since Teng Huayuan had felt cold sweat, but at that moment, his back was covered in sweat.

“Illusion…” Teng Huayuan’s face went from green to red. Finally, he couldn’t hold it in and cursed out loud. This was the first time he had cursed since reaching the Core Formation stage a few hundred years ago.

He was scared to death by an illusion in front of all of the cultivators of Zhao. Teng...

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