Chapter 93 - Breaking Shi Yi's Record (Teaser)

Chapter 93 - Breaking Shi Yi's Record

The vast crowd at the Starting Ground was on the verge of exploding. The golden passageway constantly formed atop the large limestone and flashed in multicolored light. The burden on it still seemed rather heavy, since it was not enough at all for the groups after groups of people that came through.

Someone wanted to break of Shi Yi’s records, and that attracted a huge commotion that trembled every area. Many experts who cultivated in the Heavenly Passage Paradise came out to see this.

In recent years, there had not been a single day as lively as today. The number of people increased exponentially within the Starting Ground, and over ten to a hundred times the normal amount of people scooched together into this crowd.

“Why is it this heaven angering child again? Can it be that he still wants to defy the heavens? Being able to establish two records within a single day is astonishing enough, and despite them not being very splendid ones, he doesn’t need to be so conceited right? He actually wants to try and break one of Shi Yi’s records?!”

“Let’s wait and see whether or not he can succeed. So many geniuses have been dejected after receiving defeat, such as the princes of ancient countries and some of the most illustrious people. If this naughty brat could actually succeed, then it would certainly be world-shaking.”

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