Chapter 91 - Most Robbed (Teaser)

Chapter 91 - Most Robbed


The ground trembled, and the two people beneath Shi Hao’s feet tried to struggle free. As their arms struggled, the group cracked open, and the mountain rocks were split open. It was as if two enormous ancient beasts went mad as they wanted to stand up by using their terrifying divine strength.

Two peng peng sounds were produced as the little guy stamped their backs twice. The two were suppressed on the spot as blood dripped out from the corners of their mouths. They laid softly on the ground, and were unable to budge an inch.

Every direction was absolutely silent. There was no need to go and confirm their identity, as one could tell from the attitudes they displayed upon arriving here that they were important figures. They were most likely the elders of an enormous clan.

However, they were now stomped under the soles of the little guy’s two feet. This was truly too astonishing. That foolish looking kid was actually that powerful?!

“So astonishing, people who are able to break records would naturally have an area they excel over others. Even a child cannot be measured through common sense!” The group of people gasped in surprise.

Especially hammer uncle, bird grandpa and coin uncle. Their eyeballs almost popped. That naughty child who was was just bickering with them was actually that powerful? They truly made a error in judgement.

Those people always felt the way this child did things was unreliable, since he often often did things that made them speechless. They had been worried about him just now, and were afraid that others would steal away his symbol bone. The be alive is to have worries, and now it seemed that it wasn’t like that at all. This youngster so powerful, no wonder he simply revealed a thieving look in his eyes ; wasn’t that just paying respects to similar professions? He clearly was looking waiting and hoping for them to fall into his trap, that really wasn’t kind and honest!

“Little child, please let go of those two.”

The people across from him had ugly faces. How splendid of an enormous clan were they? However, their two...

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