Chapter 5929: Insist on Trying, Only to End in Failure (Teaser)

Chapter 5929: Insist on Trying, Only to End in Failure

“What are you laughing at?” Long Mochuan asked.

“Nothing much.”

He wanted to say that he was really Qin Jiu’s successor, but he figured that Long Mochuan would follow up by asking him if he had evidence. It was not as if the latter would believe him anyway, so there was no point mentioning it. 

“It’s just a hundred years anyway. We can further enhance the teleportation formation in the meantime, so that we’ll have a backup plan. It’s not too late to try the teleportation formation if we fail to repair this formation realm within a hundred years’ time,” Long Mucheng said.

“Mucheng, I know that there are risks, but I have conducted a thorough analysis,...

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