Chapter 520 - Middle-Aged Man (Teaser)

MGA: Chapter 520 - Middle-Aged Man

“Senior Azure Dragon, that old thing is truly looking to die. Why not go give him a lesson right now?” Hearing the mad loud laughter coming from the Ji Dynasty’s old ancestor afar, the Monstrous Monkey King was the first to be unable to accept it. He knew that if the Azure Dragon Founder wanted to kill the Ji Dynasty’s old ancestor, it was only a matter of flicking his finger. So, that was why he asked the Azure Dragon Founder to make his move.

“Wait, that chariot is too strange.” However, the Azure Dragon Founder didn’t pay attention to the Ji Dynasty’s old ancestor who was escaping, but locked his gaze dead on the chariot.

And after hearing his words, everyone noticed the chariot that stopped in mid-air, and couldn’t help locking their gazes...

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