Chapter 4876: The Origin of the HolyValley (Teaser)

Chapter 4876: The Origin of the Holy Valley

“Niantian, it’s one thing if you look down on me, but to think that you would look down on the Holy Valley as well! I really don’t know what Chu Feng gave you for you to speak up for him like that. At this rate, you should be worrying about not just your honorary elder title but your life as well!” Shengguang Xuanye threatened.

It was just that he didn’t receive any replies anymore. Daoist Niantian seemed to have left for real this time around. 

Shengguang Xuanye used his sensing ability to search for Daoist Niantian’s whereabouts, but he wasn’t able to find anything. He, too, knew that Daoist Niantian was a man with capabilities, and the latter was indeed affiliated with the Holy Valley. Even if he managed to capture Daoist Niantian by some chance, he wouldn’t be able to do anything to the latter...

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