Chapter 308 - Oppressive Killing Intent (Teaser)

MGA: Chapter 308 - Oppressive Killing Intent

“Chu Feng, you...”

Seeing the two Protectors in the peak of the Profound realm being defeated by Chu Feng with one strike, the Grey-cloak World Spiritist showed his teeth and his expression was called “wonderful”.

But it was quite understandable after some careful thinking. After all, no matter how much stronger the two Protectors were, they were absolutely not stronger than Dugu Aoyun. If Dugu Aoyun couldn’t even defeat Chu Feng, how could the two of them be able to?

*whoosh* Thinking to that point, the Grey-cloak World Spiritist did not attack Chu Feng and instead, he used an extremely strong martial skill to attack the Spirit Formation that Chu Feng laid. He actually wanted to escape.

But as he faced the Grey-cloak World Spiritist’s miserable appearance, Chu Feng did not do...

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