Chapter 207 - Exterminate Your Shangguan Family (Teaser)

MGA: Chapter 207 - Exterminate Your Shangguan Family


The pressure of the 6th level of the Profound realm came crashing down as the earth trembled. Many people found it hard to endure the ear-piercing boom, but when the ripples dissipated and the pressure faded away, everyone shocking found out that the group of people were not harmed in the slightest.

The reason why they were not harmed in the slightest was because of the huge screen in front of them. The screen was grey-coloured yet as transparent as crystals.

“That’s...a Spirit Formation. It’s a Spirit Formation!” Suddenly, someone with sharp eyes recognized the origin of the screen.

“What a strong Spirit Formation as it’s able to hold the might of the 6th level of the Profound realm away. How strong would the World Spiritist who laid that Spirit Formation be?” As they looked...

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