Chapter 150 - Returning to the Summit (Teaser)

MGA: Chapter 150 - Returning to the Summit

Since Murong Xinyu didn’t have any cultivation, her walking speed was simply too slow. In order for them to quickly reach deeper into the cave, Chu Feng could only carry the beautiful female on his back and run. But, it had to be said that she felt quite nice.

“Why is this place called as the Lifeline?” As Chu Feng used the Imperial Sky Technique and quickly ran with flying speed, he pretended to be curious and asked.

“I’m not too clear as well. However, it already existed when the White Tiger Villa was first created.” Murong Xinyu replied.

“Oh?” Obviously, Chu Feng could hear that Murong Xinyu was saying things half-heartedly as the Lifeline must have some secrets that could not be said to others. Murong Xinyu was a bit cautious against him so she...

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