Chapter 1038 - Are You Tired of Living? (Teaser)

MGA: Chapter 1038 - Are You Tired of Living?

“Chu Feng, you…”

Hearing what Chu Feng had said, Elder Gongsun was startled. He did not imagine that in this critical moment of life and death, Chu Feng would not hide behind him and instead courageously stand out. This sort of quality in character was indeed beyond his expectation.

“Elder Gongsun, this matter is unrelated to all of you. Since it is I who has caused this calamity, it should be left for me to assume the responsibility. However, I must still trouble you with this; please help me take care of this friend of mine. This matter is completely unrelated to him.”

Chu Feng handed Li Lei who was over his shoulder to Elder Gongsun. Then, without waiting for Elder Gongsun’s reaction, Chu Feng walked forward and, with a calm smile, said to Han Qingyu. “It is I who have killed the people of your Han family. If you wish to do anything, do it all to me.”

“Brat, you have guts. However, I believe that you ought to know that Lord Headmaster...

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