Chapter 1018: Handling Old Turtle Reliance! (Teaser)

Chapter 1018: Handling Old Turtle Reliance!

The Ninth Mountain and Sea. Somewhere in the starry sky.

Far, far away from Planet East Victory was a location very near the Ninth Sea. If you hovered in the starry sky in this spot and looked off into the distance, you would actually be able to see that between the Ninth Sea and the empty sky, was a stretch of shadowy ruins.

By passing through those ruins, you could arrive at the Ninth Sea itself. If you passed around them, however, it would take far, far longer.

Those shadowy ruins were none other than... the mysterious Ruins of Immortality!

It was at this point that a blood-colored glow rose up above the Ruins of Immortality. In the blink of an eye, Patriarch Reliance’s enormous form suddenly flew out.

“Hahaha! Meng Hao, you little bastard! Come on! You think you can find me here, huh?!” Patriarch Reliance seemed incredibly happy, even ecstatic, as he flew out.

“It was bad luck for the Patriarch to run into you on Planet East Victory. This time, though, I'm going to hide in the Ruins of Immortality! I simply can’t believe that you’ll be able to track me down here!

“Hahaha! The Patriarch turns out to be the smartest one in the end. In all the Ninth Mountain and Sea, nobody is as astute and...

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