Chapter 72 In front of Absolute Strength, Tricks are Useless (1) (Teaser)

Chapter 72 In front of Absolute Strength, Tricks are Useless (1)

When Shangguan Bing’er stopped suddenly and stared into the distance, Zhou Weiqing started, following her gaze. He saw, right at the end, Bai Jiu and his follower were talking with a black clad girl. Looking at their expressions, they seemed very respectful towards her.

“She is the girl who attacked us last time.” Shangguan Bing’er said softly.

“En?” Zhou Weiqing was shocked in his heart as well. He had not experienced the previous fight himself, but he had heard the other team members’ descriptions. Even though during that final fight with her, most of their members had been exhausted or wounded, it still had not changed the fact that she had personally taken down the entire Fei Li Battle Team by herself; she was definitely extremely powerful.

Furthermore, along with their descriptions, Zhou Weiqing had quickly realised that the black clad girl who called herself the Little Witch definitely had both the Darkness and Demonic Attributes. Furthermore, she could use some plants to support her,...

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