Chapter 54 We need to cry out, as if in greater misery! (2) (Teaser)

Chapter 54 We need to cry out, as if in greater misery! (2)

Although his past two days had been filled with much danger, he had at least gotten through it relatively unscathed. For now, the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Academy would not come after him, and as long as he kept a lower profile, there shouldn’t be any major problems. The most important thing now for him was to quickly purchase the various materials and ingredients for him to continue creating Consolidating Equipment Scrolls. After all, these scrolls were just pure profit, and he needed to keep earning as much as he could so that he had the finances when he eventually returned to the Heavenly Bow Empire.

The other reason why Zhou Weiqing had taken it upon himself to create Consolidating Equipment Scrolls for his classmates was a form of training. Just simply following the steps or the previously designed Scrolls which Huyan Aobo had taught him, there wasn’t much to improve besides increasing experience in creating them. However, to custom design and create Consolidating Equipment Scrolls for others, it was a whole different ball game. It would need him to actually fully understand the basics, to design everything...

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