Chapter 39 Skill Storing, Silver Emperor (2) (Teaser)

Chapter 39 Skill Storing, Silver Emperor (2)

After receiving the Gold Coins Storage Card, Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but reveal some of the excitement he had been feeling. After thanking the pair of middle aged men, he quickly exited the Skill Storing Palace.

Standing at the entrance of the Skill Storing Palace, he truly wanted to burst into maniacal laughter. I, Your Father, am a rich man! 450,000 gold coins! Being a Consolidating Equipment Master is indeed a great profession! Bing’er, in the future, if you want to Skill Store anything, I can even dump a few hundred thousand and let you try your heart out!

“Don’t block the way, move aside.” Just as Zhou Weiqing stood there with a foolish grin on his face, a sudden cold, clear voice sounded out in front of him, breaking him out of his reverie. It was only at that point that he realised he was standing right in the middle of the entrance of the Skill Storing Palace, blocking the route. However, the Skill Storing Palace entrance was actually very huge, and there was more than enough space to walk past him.

There were two people standing in of him, a man and a woman, and the one who had spoken was the woman. She had her arms linked to the youth beside her, her face...

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