Chapter 31 Consolidated Equipment, Skills Stored - Stars Rating (3) (Teaser)

Chapter 31 Consolidated Equipment, Skills Stored - Stars Rating (3)

“Yesterday, when I asked Bing’er to show me her skills, I did a simple rating of her abilities. Amongst Bing’er’s two Physical Jewel Consolidated Equipment, her Silent Tracking Arrow can be considered 3 Stars. Alas, as a Consolidated Equipments, its use to her will gradually reduce.”

“As for the Wind Wielding Boots, it is at least 6 Stars. If Bing’er reaches at least the 9 Jeweled Upper Zong Stage, she could possibly even make use of it to fly. With the addition of the socket it has, her Wind Wielding Boots can even be ranked at 7 Stars, and is definitely a great piece of equipment for Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Masters. As for her first Elemental Jewel’s Skill, Wind Blades, it is only a 2 Star Skill and its growth rate is rather weak. Luckily, it is just her first Elemental Jewel.”

Listening to Hua Feng’s words, everyone turned to look at Zhou Weiqing. He blinked and shrank back in his seat warily: “Why are all of you staring at me?”

Luo Ke Di grinned and said: “Of course it’s to look at your skills and equipment to rate them!”

Hua Feng...

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