Chapter 108 Solidified Dragon Spirit and ‘Hate Ground No Handle’ Set! (3) (Teaser)

Chapter 108 Solidified Dragon Spirit and ‘Hate Ground No Handle’ Set! (3)

As God Tier Consolidating Equipment Masters and powerhouses in their own rights, the three of them could easily see that Lin TianAo’s cultivation level was much higher than Zhou Weiqing. As the Fei Li Battle Team leader, it was without question that his capabilities and skills were already in a fixed design or state, and it was likely he had already Consolidated most of his Physical Jewels. At such a point, it was already too late for him to wear a Legendary Set. As such, if they had to custom design one for him, it would likely be just an ‘ordinary’ God Tier Consolidated Equipment. With the skills of the three Masters together, to design and create a single God Tier Consolidating Equipment was relatively simple. As such, Ye Ruichen planned to finish Lin TianAo’s one first before discussing with Wei Yan and Xing Tianyi regarding Zhou Weiqing’s Legendary Set pieces. To them, that was the more important task. Although there were only three pieces of the designs, it was already sufficient to provide them with much inspiration and useful fuel for thought.

“Weiqing, this God Tier Consolidating Equipment Scroll reward should belong to you. I cannot accept it.” Lin TianAo finally steeled his resolve to voice out his mind. It had to be known how hard...

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