Chapter 85 Frost Priest! (3) (Teaser)

Chapter 85 Frost Priest! (3)

However, Little Four’s almost miraculous changes and style of movement caused him to be even more difficult to fathom than Lan Feng. He seemed to move in impossible ways, using his wings in various ways in order to move in unimaginable ways. Soon, Han Bing had already cast his fifth round of Cone of Cold, but Little Four was still moving around, dodging amazingly in a display of agile talent, with nary a sign of attacking.

Han Bing was indeed unbelievable in his own right as well, actually managing to merge all five waves of the ice cones. Currently, the ice cones in the sky were actually almost a chi long each! The entire air of the stage was getting colder and colder, and even the temperature of the Rest Houses were being affected at such a distance.

With all the ice cones merged together, even if two or three of them struck Little Four, he would not be able to take it, let alone if all hit him. This low rated talent was originally rather scary in Han Bing’s hands, but after all the merging, its power alone was already at terrifying levels.

In the Dan Dun Battle Team Rest House, Lan Feng was watching the fight and he said admiringly: “Priest is indeed Priest, such control and power… he is just too strong. Look at the...

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