Chapter 75: Beginning of The Five De (Teaser)

GOR Chapter 75: Beginning of The Five De

Chen Xiaolian stared at the catalpa tree, at the hack marks on its surface. His face turned odd and he gave out a long sigh before using a low tone to speak. “This is a catalpa tree. It is known as the Distinguished Shrine of Fury.”

Pausing, Chen Xiaolian’s tone became filled with perplexity. “I thought that those were only legends. To think that the tree would actually be here…”

Miao Yan frowned. “What are you muttering? If you know anything then just spit it out.”

Chen Xiaolian turned around to look at Miao Yan before looking at Qiu Yun. He realized that Qiu Yun was also staring at him – not just him, even Nangong, Lun Tai and Bei Tai were looking at him.

Chen Xiaolian stroked his face and forced out a laugh. “With all of you looking at me like that, I will have a lot of pressure. All right, no need to keep the...

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