Chapter 130: Monster (Teaser)

GOR Chapter 130: Monster

Chen Xiaolian pulled the trigger and a hail of bullets struck the police officer’s body, sending his flesh flying around!

Several bullets pierced directly through the officer’s face and both his left eye and left side of his face were torn open.

However, the officer only staggered for a brief moment before opening his mouth at Chen Xiaolian. He then let out a loud howl!

The size of his opened mouth was as big as a hippopotamus! The insides of his mouth was lined with fangs!

At the same time, his body swelled up. The rapidly expanding body ripped the police uniform apart as his body instantly rose to a height of 2 metres! Blood trickled out from every part of his muscle tissues, his skin having torn apart in the process.

His four limbs turned elongated and bent, making him look like a monster. With a manic howl, he pounced towards Chen Xiaolian!

Chen Xiaolian felt the foul stink of fish blowing strongly against his face and he quickly took a few steps back. But, the incoming fellow managed to pin him onto the ground and his jaws snapped out towards Chen Xiaolian’s neck! Chen Xiaolian exerted his all, using his elbows to stop the other party’s neck before letting...

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