Chapter 119: Unfortunate Nicole (Teaser)

GOR Chapter 119: Unfortunate Nicole

It would be more accurate to call it a small gas station.

The clamouring biker gang from earlier had stopped there to refuel their motorbikes in the station.

A few of those fellows who looked like delinquents carried baseball bats and assumed a gait, which they thought was cool as they walked into the convenience store. They howled loudly and waved the baseball bat towards the nearby window, smashing it!

Almost immediately, a shop assistant cried out after being struck by a bat and fell down to the ground.

Two of the delinquents gradually became more excited and the expression on their faces twisted. Howling, they brandished the baseball bat around, turning the convenience store into a mess. Only after that, did they become satisfied and swaggered out the door of the convenience store.

It was then that a scream was uttered from the outside.

Several members of the biker gang forced a gas station assistant who wore a baseball cap into a corner. She cried out continuously. Looking at the obscene and debased expression on the biker gang members’ faces, one could...

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