Chapter 303: Great Child Yao Guang (Teaser)

Chapter 303: Great Child Yao Guang

“Nice!” After the silence passed, Grand Era disciples started to cheer; of course, the loudest ones were Chi Xiaodie’s sisters.

They were proud because both Chi Xiaodie and Li Qiye were from the Grand Era Hall. The two of them killing two geniuses from the Zenith Era Hall became a source of pride.

“Thousand Martial Divine Gaze Dao!” Sikong Toutian, who was mixed amongst the crowd, finally remembered the name of Chi Xiaodie’s technique and murmured. He then thought about a legend, an extremely ancient legend.

The Sacred Era Hall Master also slowly said with emotion: “Thousand Martial Divine Gaze Dao! One of the two greatest arts from the Hundred Battles Godking. I didn’t expect the Chi Clan’s descendant to completely inherit this supreme art of their ancestor.”

After hearing this, many disciples became shocked and even the devilish Zenith Era geniuses lost their colors. Everyone knew that the Chi Clan and the Lion’s Roar Gate were ranked as a low first rate sect; they were nothing compared to the Immortal Emperor lineages....

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