Book 7, Chapter 32 - Shock and Awe (part 2) (Teaser)

“Lost. I lost. How could…” Bloodrinker Bladask sat there atop the stone dais, his face ashen. He couldn’t believe what had just happened.

When Immortal cultivators engaged in a battle, life and death was separated by a hair. If they lost a single exchange, they could die.

“He used a golem. I also used a golem.” Bladask simply couldn’t accept this. “The two golems have identical elemental ki cores, and the same amount of elemental ki. It is an extremely fair situation; what we compete in is our comprehension of the Dao, our sword arts, and other skills. How could his sword arts actually be even more powerful than mine?”

How could he have known that Ning had actually reached the Dao Domain level long ago? The Dao Domain level was, normally speaking, the level which Primal Daoists were at. But of course, at the Black-White College, everyone was a supreme genius, and so there were many powerful Wanxiang Adepts who were at the Dao Domain level. Bladask, however, was still a hair away from...

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